The Legacy Project: The History of Public Education in Lee County

It has been said that the education of the citizenry of a community can drastically alter the quality of life. It has also been said that in order to anticipate the future, one must look to the past. As such, Lee County School District (LCSD) is compiling information to better record history. Lee County Public Library has provided glimpses into the establishment of education and facilities in their “Lee County, South Carolina Past and Present” series. We believe there is more.


LCSD is attempting to create yet another opportunity for educators to celebrate the heritage of the district and its schools by providing dates of establishment of schools; locations of the original schools; and founding leadership of each school. We welcome stories you would like to share which may have been passed down through previous generations as well. Those who have information, please forward it to LCSD's Wanda Scarborough at [email protected] OR complete the survey.